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Issues and Impacts​

Like all great new technologies, gene therapy does not come free from controversies. This technology has the power to completely alter and change the course of humanity, in a potentially positive or maybe negative way.

This page will explore the many issues and impacts that can arise from the development of this science.

Most of this page is written with a question. No one can predict the future, thus there are no sure answers. In addition, much of the controversy is two-sided, meaning that only you can make up your mind​.

Try answering several of these questions, and understand that the issues surrounding gene therapy is more complicated than it seems.



Ethical Issues

Disease or Trait?

What is considered to be a disease, and what is considered to be nothing more then a trait?

For example, imagine if a person has the disorder dwarfism. Would it be considered ethical to treat them with gene therapy? On the other hand, imagine if someone simply has a trait that makes them short in height. Would it still be considered ethical to treat that person with gene therapy?

The distinction between a genetic disorder, and a trait is becoming more and more faint. How do scientists determine which diseases/traits require therapy? 

Eugenics and Designer Babies:

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary,  eugenics is the "science that deals with the improvement... of hereditary qualities of a race or breed". The basic idea of eugenics revolves around specified and controlled human mating, but gene therapy itself could be used instead. Imagine if gene therapy is used to "cure" short height, ugliness, sexuality, and other "unwanted traits".  If these "cures" could be made utilizing gene therapy, is it truly ethical to continue developing this technology?

On the other hand, is it ethical to stop developing a technology that has so much potential?

Total Equality:

What if everybody has the intelligence of Einstein, is nice looking, has no diseases, and are athletic? Would it be right to create a world like this, where everybody is perfect and great?

Does the parents have the right to make the decision on what "traits" a child would have? If so, can it be ethical if the traits are cosmetic in nature? Humanity is certainly not equal, despite what we believe. There are going to be people who are better and worser then the thing we do. If gene therapy can create total equality, is it a miracle, or a curse?



Nature and God

Some people have pointed out  that gene therapy is akin to "playing god", since it is changing the code of life.

Should scientists be tampering with the very codes that are making us human?

Are there some things which humans shouldn't interfere in?

Another concern is based on genetic diversity. Could gene therapy limits the size of humanity's extremely diverse gene pool?

In addition, is it ethical and safe to disrupt the environmental process of genetic variety?



(125) Will we all look and act perfect, like clones?



Social Issues



Will the high cost of gene therapy excludes other people from the middle and lower class, so that only the rich elites could possess the technology? 


Can this technology increase discrimination? Will other people be more discriminate to genetically modified people, or non-genetically modified people?


How will society react to learning about genetic "enhancement"? Are people going to be intolerant to genetically enhanced athletes, or enhanced genius? What if enhancement becomes normal and tolerated, will they be allowed in sports and academic competitions?

Legal Issues


How will politics and laws be used to regulate and enforce gene therapy?

Currently, gene therapy peformed on germ cells are banned in the United States and most countries. When there is a breakthrough in this technology, how will laws be created to fit such a complicated ethical dilemna?

Will it be legal for parents to dictate what their child will look, and act like?

During a trial, is it legal for a person to be prosecuted because their genetic makeup made them more susceptible to crime? In addition, should it be legal for a criminal to have a "Genetically Modified Plea", where they blame their doings on their modification, instead of their actions?

Who has the right to "own" genes? Will patents be issue for the "beautiful gene", "smart gene", or "athletic gene"?




Economic Impacts


The rise of gene therapy will create a new era where companies will compete with each other for the development of cheaper and more efficient gene therapy technologies. It is possible that hundreds of new jobs will open up as new companies hire more people in order to compete with other companies.

It is also likely that the technology of gene therapy will gradually get cheaper and cheaper, so that a large number of middle class people will be able to afford gene therapy.

Insurance companies might also start allowing their services to cover for the costs of gene therapy (people might have to pay a higher fee, though).

Social Impacts


The greatest impact associated with gene therapy will no doubt be presented in our society. The idea of enhancements and "designer babies" will greatly influence our culture and ideals. Unlike economic or political impacts, social impacts are a lot harder to predict since they will probably change periodically. There are some guesses, however:

Gene therapy might or might not create a separation between people who can afford gene therapy, and people who can not. The ideals and values that Americans hold might even change depending on their opinion of gene therapy.

Gene therapy might become a common and everyday aspect of life, or it might be labeled as a taboo by society.

The health benefits presented by gene therapy might also change society's perception on sickness and life. For example, if gene therapy can cure diseases and increase the average life span tremendously, how will people react to this?

Gene therapy can potentially eliminate all genetic diseases. Will our values change if we live in a world where there are no diseases and no problems? How will we think of life, a senseless and boring setting, or a perfect heaven?



(133) Will We Become Masters of Death with the power of Gene Therapy?



Political Impacts


The political impacts of gene therapy is one of the easier ones to analyze. Lawmakers around the world will have to decide on gene therapy. Laws regarding its ethical and medical uses will also be created. In addition, with the advancement of gene therapy, other important technologies that can work in collaboration with gene therapy, like stem cells, may also have to be decided upon. 

There is no doubt that gene therapy will create a greater division between party members. Now issues about gene therapy will be included in other important controversies like gun control, abortion, immigration, etc.

A new federal administration might be created to help control and regulate the use of gene therapy.

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